Pages with tag Java

6u10 is out! We finally know the value for N in the equation 6uN .. N = 10. A ( set of slides have been posted discussing what's new. This release started out as Consumer JRE and became more, and more, and more, etc.. It's a relief to have this out in the public. The DLJ bundles for 6u10 are also available.
6u10beta is available.. please test it..!
A cool HTML editor applet
A patent for the Java Quality organization
A useful testing technique to find deadlocks related to invokeAndWait
AJAX application testing
Accessibility for test automation
An annoying misfeature of AJAX web applications
An easy way to enter the Mustang Regression contest
An experiment in community process
Announcing the Mustang regressions challenge
Automated visual verification is hard
Bangalore (the city) changing its name? Bengaluru
Bendy classes and dynamic programming
Blog Bridge and performant Swing applications
Browser makers walled javascript garden
Building JDK 6.0 on Windows
Closed device jail, and platform security
Closed versus open multimedia formats
Code for Freedom
Creating multi-threaded Swing apps that consume web services
Developer scenario testing
Followup to my experiment in community process
Freeze Java?
Give one Get one
Greetings, introducing myself
How does Node.js compare to a traditional MVC platform like Spring?

Node.js is a young software development platform. It's only about 6 years old, and many software developers are still unsure about where Node.js fits into the landscape. It's JavaScript, which many people pigeon-hole as a browser language, but Node.js doesn't run on browsers but on servers. The question above illustrates a fundamental confusion about what Node.js is, and its role in the world, because it is not an "MVC" but a complete programming platform.

Internet OS living in a browser?
Is Java 10 yrs old, or 15 yrs old?
Is there a standard way to deploy a Java application? I've been thinking about this a bit recently and a comment on the javaposse google group tipped me into blogging mode. While ( discussing the recent shipping of JDK 6u10 Reinier Zwitserloot said On windows, and on linux, there is no java at all. It has to be installed separately. This is supremely annoying. There are odds the linux user has e.g. debian/ubuntu openjdk-6 installed, and on windows there's a chance that the manufacturer has shipped an auto-updating JDK out of the box, but there's no certainty there. On macs, at least, you know there's always a java, and a well integrated, if non-standard, way to deploy. ... outside the obvious statement of it would be nice for Java to be there in the operating system so it can be an assumed part of the infrastructure (thanks to OpenJDK we're moving in that direction for free OS's) this thought that there is a 'standard' way to deploy a Java app strikes me as being a little odd.
JDK-Distros updated for JDK6u2
JDepend and code complexity
JRE / Google toolbar now live on
Java 6 for OS X
Java Duchesses
Java and multimedia, round 2
Java is doomed to failure
Java on OS X, it's not dead...
Java testing and "test first development"
Java-in-browser availability
JavaFX and slimming the JRE
Looking at 'findbugs'
MVM from a quality viewpoint
Microsoft announces readiness to join OpenJDK project, any sign of Hell Freezing Over? Today Microsoft sent an email to the primary mailing list of the OpenJDK project making an announcement many thought would never happen. That Microsoft is ready to contribute work to the OpenJDK project. Those of us with long enough memory recall the turmoil in the software industry because of Microsoft's predatory approach to Java nearly twenty years ago. In recent years Microsoft has had a huge change of policy, and is now readily working with all kinds of open source projects. That Microsoft is willing to join the OpenJDK project is a grand step forward, and is incredibly welcomed.
More looking at open source quality processes
More on Bangalore
Mustang Beta approaching - we want to know about your bugs and regressions
Mustang has gone Beta
New PDF renderer project
On supporting IE 7 in (Sun's) Java
On the evolution of the Java plugin
On the naming of Java releases
Open source quality organizations
OpenJDK in 10 yrs?
People don't care about the programming language used to write their apps?
R.I.P Usenet: 1980-2008 ?? Huh?
Re: 100% Java Quercus PHP engine running in GlassFish Java EE 5 Application Server...
Re: Java with apt-get, what's the scoop?
Re: Java: One Platform To Rule Them All?
Re: Stop the Insanity
Re: Swing versus SWT Thread Confinement
Re: Why Sun never make Java on FreeBSD
Regression contest prizes
Roundup of desktop java improvements in Mustang
Safety is freedom?
Scene graph API available under open source
Scripting languages and Java
Should 'Java' stay 'Java'?
Some nice comments on Mustang compatibility
Some practical usage to findbugs
Test tool collaboration
The Freedom to get a shell prompt on an iPod Touch
The If's and When's of Java 6 for Mac OS X 10.5
The Java programmer is without property
The Java quality team in Bangalore
The Mustang Regression Contest, and international law
The Swiss Duke
The Unix wars and Java compatibility
The image resizing challenge
The non-public classes in Sun's Java implementation
The quality team's test execution load and scheduling
The rise and death (sort of) of Java In 1995, with great fanfare, Java was unleashed on the world. It was going to give us interactive web pages, and also run on the server, and by having Java at both ends of the Internet programmers would live in nirvana. While Java is still hugely popular on the server, it died on the browser due to security bugs and the success of JavaScript in the browser. With Node.js letting programmers use JavaScript on the server, we can achieve nirvana using a different language - JavaScript.
The rise of corporate transparency
The upcoming JCP Java ME Executive Committee Election Just in case you're not all election'd out, and just in case the recent election in the U.S. gave you some hope that things can change through elections, here's an opportunity to affect the direction of Java ME. JCP Java ME EC Election: Vote now for a Voice for Independent Developers by Terrence Barr is a good outline of circumstances related to the JCP and Java ME.
Those frustrating bits of API
Tools to fit the work, and what's in a look and feel?
US Supreme Court rules Google's use of Java SE API is 'fair use' Today, the US Supreme Court settled, in Google's favor, an important part of the long-running lawsuit between Oracle and Google over the latter's use of the Java SE API in Android. The ruling determined that while indeed Oracle had a valid copyright over the Java API, that Google's use of that API falls under Fair Use. The result negates Oracle's ability to win damages from Google, but more importantly validates programmers freedom to reuse API definitions. An Oracle win in this case would have had a chilling effect on programmer freedom.
Visiting the Quality team in Bangalore
What could Sun do with Java after Java7?
What time is it?
test framework comparison