Generic Web Dork T-Shirt
As a software developer you're always creating awesome products that your mom has no chance of understanding. Try as you might, she won't understand why the latest web framework is so much better than last years best web framework, nor will she understand how Web Components and the Shadow DOM makes our life simpler. But she will be tickled by this T-Shirt.
Buy Generic Web Dork T-Shirt

I Am Older Than The Internet Simple White T-Shirt
With the latest YouTube star antics, it's hard to remember that the Internet is not that old. Many of us working on Internet technology were born before the late 1960's when the earliest form of the Internet was created. Or maybe you date the birth of the Internet to 1995 when Microsoft included TCP/IP support in Windows 95. Those of us who got on the Internet in the mid-80's or earlier, well, we just smile about that. Our stories of the pre-Web Internet must sound like we're old geezers talking about how hard life was, and how getting to school meant trudging through hip-deep snow for 2 miles, uphill each way. And, yes, I did walk to grade school, about 1 mile, through the snow. It made a man out of me, just as using TELNET and FTP made a man of me in the mid 80's.
Buy I Am Older Than The Internet Simple White T-Shirt

People think it's magic, we call it engineering
One person's magic is another person's high technology. When we build a doorbell that uses TensorFlow to scan a live video stream to detect miscreants, is that magic or high technology?
Buy People think it's magic, we call it engineering