Tags: Java
I see on jazoon.com's
The first ever Swiss Duke now on jazoon.com a variant of our beloved Duke wearing Swiss garb.
They say:
Jazoon, the international conference on Java™ technology, brings together experts and professional users of Java and open source technologies from all over Europe. Featuring a comprehensive range of topics, renowned speakers, a varied program of social and cultural events, parallel exhibition with integrated career platform and optimal logistics, Jazoon'07 provides young professionals and established specialists with a unique live experience.
You may remember that with open sourcing Sun's implementation of the Java platform, to form the OpenJDK project, we also open sourced Duke. This made the Duke mascot available for anybody to reuse as they wish.
This is the first reuse of Duke I've seen outside Sun. Are there others?
BTW, I have posted my own rendition of Duke, the
Robo Duke which is meant to be used for GUI automation tools based on the java.awt.Robot class.
Duke project on java.net has information and source files.