Tags: Raspberry Pi
DIY makers around the world are building customized computerized gizmos thanks to the Raspberry Pi, and similar computers. These diminuitive computers pack a lot of computing power, at low energy requirements, and by running Linux they are more approachable than microcontrollers like the Arduino. The Raspberry Pi is the best known of this class of computer. Because of the very large user community, there is a ton of accessories, books, tutorials, and more focusing on the Raspberry Pi.

The possibilities for this amazing little computer are huge. In a small space, you have a full fledged Linux computer with significant memory, processing power and device connectivity. In this case "Significant" means 1 GB of memory, a quad core ARM CPU running at over 1Ghz clock speed, USB ports, ethernet port, Bluetooth/WiFi, camera interface, display interface, HDMI, and the famous GPIO pins.
Those GPIO pins are what makes the Raspberry Pi attractive for hardware projects. The computer can be directly interfaced with electrical circuits, allowing you to directly control switches, lights, relays, electric motors, and more. The camera interface can serve as the beginning of a computer vision project.
The default operating system is Raspbian, which is a Debian variant created by the Raspberry Pi team. Debian is a popular Linux distro, and therefore Raspbian has access to a huge base of software coming from the Debian repositories. There's a long list of other distros for Raspberry Pi, some are general-purpose Linux distros while others are very special purpose. For example RetroPie is meant for old-school video game emulation.
Some folks see the Raspberry Pi as a replacement for a desktop computer. Connected to an HDMI display, with keyboard and mouse, you can run Libre Office or a whole bunch of other applications quite easily. However it is pretty limited for this purpose, since 1GB of memory and having the OS running off an SD card does not make for a terribly fast computing experience.
- How to Boot a Raspberry Pi 4 or 400 from a USB drive
- Using Raspberry Pi as Amiga emulator that's better than a real Amiga
Another big usage area is home audio, home video streaming, file storage systems, and that ilk. There are specialized Linux distros for some of these purposes, like the OpenELEC distro that fits Kodi onto a Raspberry Pi. Plex can be run on a Raspberry Pi, but don't expect to transcode video and therefore your videos must be stored in the playback format.
- Inexpensively stream your MP3 collection with Raspberry Pi and Pi MusicBox
- OpenMediaVault on Raspberry PI 3 - Plex Media Server Plugin
- Installing OpenVPN on a Raspberry Pi Zero W, inexpensive security for your peace of mind
- Build your own security camera system with Raspberry Pi and cheap webcams
- Automatically load Live TV & DVR on the Raspberry Pi & HDhomerun & PLEX
One could setup a Docker/Kubernetes infrastructure on the cheap with a Raspberry Pi cluster. That would let you experiment, on a very modest budget, with these powerful cloud infrastructure tools, and get a jump start on a DevOps career. The approach is to first mount a Raspberry Pi cluster - there is specialized mounting systems for this available - wiring each to a port on an Ethernet Switch. Then you have a task of producing N
distinct SD cards for each computer in the cluster. Then finally to setup Docker/Kubernetes on each. Once setup you can deploy containers and experiment with the tools at a fraction of the cost and electricity consumption of a rack full of servers.
- Creating a Docker Swarm with Raspberry Pi Zero's for easy cluster computing
- Build your own inexpensive super-computing cluster with Raspberry Pi 3's
And, of course, you can use the Raspberry Pi to interface with hardware projects of all kinds.
Raspberry Pi 3 hardware
The basic Raspberry Pi hardware is an open-source board containing a lot of computing power in a small product. It is an ARM-based system with (as of the model 3) 1GB of memory, a 1.2 GHz or 1.4GHz CPU, USB ports, Ethernet port, Bluetooth, WiFi, HDMI, and more. The most compelling feature is the GPIO interface making it easy to connect this computer to a hardware project. With the Raspberry Pi, hardware controller projects are now feasible for the masses.
Because it runs a regular Linux operating system, the programming model is familiar to regular programmers. You're not using some crazy real time operating system understandable only by rocket scientists. It's Linux, several Linux flavors available, and all the familiarty this engenders.

Element14 Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Motherboard
This simple little board is awakening zillions of programmers to embedded computing. Unlike embedded microcontrollers, the Raspberry Pi series is a Linux-based system, meaning you are using regular progrmming tools for a familiar programming experience. This 4th generation product has built-in WiFi, 1GB of memory, a 1.24GHz CPU, USB ports, an Ethernet port, a display interface, a camera interface, it uses an micro-SD card for storage, etc. While small, they are suprisingly powerful little computers. The GPIO pins mean the Raspberry Pi is meant for embedded hardware projects, but that hasn't stopped folks from using Raspberry Pi's as desktop computers or embedded media PC's.

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Motherboard
This simple little board is awakening zillions of programmers to embedded computing. Unlike embedded microcontrollers, the Raspberry Pi series is a Linux-based system, meaning you are using regular progrmming tools for a familiar programming experience. This 3rd generation product has built-in WiFi, 1GB of memory, a 1.2 GHz CPU, USB ports, an Ethernet port, a display interface, a camera interface, it uses an micro-SD card for storage, etc. While small, they are suprisingly powerful little computers. The GPIO pins mean the Raspberry Pi is meant for embedded hardware projects, but that hasn't stopped folks from using Raspberry Pi's as desktop computers or embedded media PC's.
Raspberry Pi starter kits
If a single board computer leaves you wondering "how do I get started", these kits offer some comfort. You don't have to guess as to what's needed, the kit assemblers have put together all you need.

CanaKit Raspberry Pi 3 B+ (B Plus) Starter Kit (32 GB EVO+ Edition, Premium Black Case)
This complete kit includes everything required to get started using the updated Raspberry Pi 3 B+. The updated model became available on "Pi Day" 2018. It has a more powerful CPU and interfaces than the previous Raspberyy Pi 3. The kit starts with the Raspberry Pi 3, Model B+, and includes a Samsung 32GB microSD card, a USB microSD card reader, a 2.5 amp power supply, a plastic case, a pair of heat sinks, an HDMI cable, and a manual. The card reader is required in case your laptop does not have an SD card slot. The heat sinks are required since some claim the CPU can run hot. The HDMI cable lets you connect the computer to a computer monitor. All you need do is supply a keyboard and mouse, and you are ready to go.

CanaKit Raspberry Pi 3 Complete Starter Kit - Includes 32 GB Samsung EVO+
This complete kit includes everything required to get started with the Raspberry Pi 3. The kit starts with the Raspberry Pi 3, Model B, and includes a Samsung 32GB microSD card, a USB microSD card reader, a 2.5 amp power supply, a plastic case, a pair of heat sinks, an HDMI cable, and a manual. The card reader is required in case your laptop does not have an SD card slot. The heat sinks are required since some claim the CPU can run hot. The HDMI cable lets you connect the computer to a computer monitor. All you need do is supply a keyboard and mouse, and you're ready to go.

Vilros Raspberry Pi 3 Kit with Clear Case and 2.5A Power Supply
This Raspberry Pi kit includes the basic getting-started required equipment. The kit starts with the Raspberry Pi 3, Model B, and includes a 2.5 amp power supply, a plastic case, a pair of heat sinks, and a manual. While this is less stuff than the CanaKit, it is also less expensive.

Vilros Raspberry Pi 3 Retro Arcade Gaming Kit with 2 Classic USB Gamepads
This Raspberry Pi kit is geared to the gamer seeking a retro-gaming experience with vintage video games from the 1980's. It is a complete kit including a Raspberry Pi 3, a case looking amazingly like a certain vintage video game product, a pair of game controllers, heat sinks, a 32 GB micro SD card, a 2.5 amp power supply, a USB microSD card reader, and a manual. The SD card is preloaded with NOOBS and RetroPie. The latter is a custom operating system for Raspberry Pi containing a vintage game machine emulator, letting you load up vintage games that can be found in certain corners of the Internet.
Raspberry Pi special kits

SunFounder Raspberry Pi Smart Video Car Kit V2.0 Block Based Graphical Visual Programming Language Remote Control by UI on Windows Mac and Web Browser Electronic Toy with Detail Manual
This cool kit includes everything required to build a small robotic car that can roam around and take movies. Everything about this car is open source, including the source code. You have a choice between Python software, or or by using Dragit, a Snap-based graphical interface, by just simple dragging and dropping the code blocks for complex functions. The USB camera supports real-time image transmission so you can make point-of-view movies as your car zooms around. It uses a PWM motor controller, dual electric motors, a 2x 18650 Li-ION battery pack, and all parts required to build the car. The Raspberry Pi seems to not be included.
For videos see: The SunFounder smart Video Car kit for Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi includes a connector, the CSI connector, for attaching digital cameras. Several are avilable including units with a bundled IR LED light so you can implement night vision.

Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2 - 8 Megapixel,1080p
The Raspberry Pi includes a CSI port letting you connect a camera module, such as this one, using a ribbon cable. This makes it easy to add a camera to projects such as a security camera system. This unit is the upgraded 8 megapixel model. It has a fixed focus lens, and a 3280 (H) x 2464 (V) Active Pixel Count.
To see this camera used as a security camera system, see: Build your own security camera system with Raspberry Pi and cheap webcams

Adafruit Flex Cable for Raspberry Pi Camera - 2 meters
For those times when the camera must be located away from the Raspberry Pi, this cable is the solution. It connects to the CSI port and gives 2 meters (about 6 feet) of reach.
Raspberry Pi 3 cases

Smraza Case for Raspberry Pi 3 with Fan Cooling and Heatsinks, 5V/2.5A Power Supply, Micro USB with On/Off Switch Case for Pi 3B 2 Model B (Not include Raspberry pi board)
This Raspberry Pi case doubles as a starter-kit, but without the Raspberry Pi. The case is sleek looking, protecting the Raspberry Pi while giving full access to the pins and interfaces. Included with the case is a power supply, heat sinks, and a fan.

GeauxRobot Raspberry Pi 3 Model B 4-layer Dog Bone Stack Clear Case Box Enclosure also for Pi 2B B+ A+ B A
This is an excellent choice when building a Raspberry Pi cluster system. All the ports are easily accessed because the sides are completely open. That also allows good air-flow for cooling. The design is sturdy and widely used. These can be stacked higher if desired, and the maker offers a 7-layer version.
Raspberry Pi heat sinks

OdiySurveil(TM) 6Pcs Aluminum Chips VGA RAM Cooling Cooler Heatsink for IC MOSFET SCR,DIY for Raspberry Pi
These heat sinks attach using a thermal adhesive, allowing for easy installation. The low profile means they can be used in Raspberry Pi cases.

Mudder Black Aluminum Heatsink Cooler Cooling Kit for Raspberry Pi 3, Pi 2, Pi Model B+, 10 Pieces
These heat sinks attach using a thermal adhesive, allowing for easy installation. The low profile means they can be used in Raspberry Pi cases.
Standoff Screws

100 Pcs M2.5 x 10mm + 6mm PC Board Hexagonal Hex Threaded Spacer
Stand-off screws like this can be used to attach several Raspberry Pi's together into a common unit.

Raspberry Pi 7" Touchscreen Display
This is the official 7" touch-screen display panel for the Raspberry Pi. it comes with a board that bolts to the back of the display, and the Raspberry Pi mounts to that board, and a ribbon cable connects to the DSI interface. Most of the GPIO pins remain available, a few are taken for power and other connections between the display and the Raspberry Pi. It supports 800 x 480 resolution with 10 finger capacitive touch.

Eleduino Raspberry Pi Official 7" Touchscreen Display Bamboo Case
The official 7" touch-screen display panel for the Raspberry Pi is just that, a panel. You need a case, and this one gives full access to all sides of the Raspberry Pi making it easy to do things like pop the SD card in and out.

For Raspberry PI 3 Generation TFT Touch Screen, Kuman 3.5 Inch TFT LCD Display Monitor Support all Raspberry PI System, Video Movie Play, Arcade Game, HDMI Audio Input SC6A (3.5" HDMI Screen)
This display panel can be paired with a Raspberry Pi adding touch or pen input on a high resolution color screen. Because it is an HDMI display, it can be used with any HDMI video source such as a PC. This is a kit, and you will need to build a case. It is recommended to use 480 * 320, 800 * 480, or 800 * 600 resolution display.