(Sun Sep 24 2017 00:00:00 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time)) Electron is perhaps the greatest gift to cross platform application development in ages. I've been working on cross platform application development for over 20 years, with over 10 years spent IN the Java SE team at Sun. Today I'm a happy Node.js developer, and have spent the last couple months learning Electron and am totally enjoying the application-writing experience in Electron. It is so easy and quick to develop desktop applications using a repurposed web browser. Development is fast and intuitive, assuming you're familiar with HTML and CSS and JavaScript website development.
But a nagging thought came to mind yesterday. That Electron application requires running a large portion of the Chrome web browser. Meaning, my laptop not only has the regular Chrome browser running, but another in GitKraken, another in Visual Studio Code (and I'd been running Atom before discovering VSCode), and yet another for the application I'm developing. That's four Chrome instances, and the result simply is not scalable. Each additional running Electron-based app causes a whole new Chrome instance to exist. Is Electron an unscalable mess?