Build a security camera system with Raspberry Pi Zero and cheap webcams

; Date: Fri Jun 15 2018

Tags: Raspberry Pi »»»» Raspberry Pi Zero »»»» Security »»»» Security Cameras

Implement a full security camera system supporting multiple cameras, with night vision, motion detection, uploading video to Google Drive, all built on the Raspberry Pi Zero platform. The Zero W makes a perfect security camera because of its small size, and the NO-IR camera supports night vision (with IR light source) in a slim case that directly supports the camera.

This project is very similar to an earlier project in that again we are using the MotionEyesOS: Build your own security camera system with Raspberry Pi and cheap webcams

The difference is that this time it uses the Zero W, and it involves setting up multiple Zero W's with a Raspberry Pi 3 as a hub.

With MotionEyesOS you can easily configure multiple "Remote MotionEyes" systems, making them all appear on one screen. When adding a camera it's a simple matter of telling MotionEyes to look for a Remote system. It then makes all the required connections, and causes video from the remote system to display on the dashboard.

In this video the guy chooses to upload any captured videos to a Google Drive account. I wouldn't do that myself, because Google is a 3rd party whom I do not know if they are entirely trustable. In my case I would have it upload videos to the Drobo sitting on my home network.

To implement "night vision" he used the NO-IR Raspberry Pi camera. This is a version of the Raspberry Pi camera that lacks the IR filter. You then buy an inexpensive IR light unit - the unit bought by this guy has a light sensor so it turns on the IR light when it's dark. As you see below, night vision with the IR light is excellent.

Raspberry Pi Zero surveillance cameras

Let's take a Raspberry Pi Zero and turn it into a networked, night-vision security camera, shall we?

About the Author(s)

( David Herron : David Herron is a writer and software engineer focusing on the wise use of technology. He is especially interested in clean energy technologies like solar power, wind power, and electric cars. David worked for nearly 30 years in Silicon Valley on software ranging from electronic mail systems, to video streaming, to the Java programming language, and has published several books on Node.js programming and electric vehicles.