Pages with tag Linux

Block remote root login via ssh on Ubuntu/etc to keep your server safe A moment ago I was checking the system logs on my Ubuntu server and found that in auth.log reports that someone was repeatedly trying to SSH login as root. The "root" entry in /etc/passwd is setup so that no password will ever be matched, so perhaps this potential cracker would never get into my server anyway. But the requests are using bandwidth - and what if they were able to figure out a password that would work? Why not just block remote SSH login access to logging in as root in the first place? It's a bad idea to login directly as root - instead the recommended best practice is to login as a regular user then use sudo to perform things requiring super user access.
How to connect a digital camera by USB to Ubuntu/Linux Connecting to digital cameras via USB lets you easily browse the images or videos like any other disc. Installing a couple things we can do this as easily on Linux as on Mac or Windows.
How to replace macOS with a fully open source Linux system

Maybe the direction Apple and Microsoft are taking is not aggreable in that both are seeking tighter control over what we do with our computers. Both are businesses and obviously will try to extract as much money from us as possible. In the case of Apple, their computers are increasingly closed boxes that cannot be opened and repaired. Instead you're faced to pay ridiculous prices for upgrades and repair, which lines Apple's pockets at our expense. As a what if exercise, I'm thinking over what it would take to supplant macOS with a Linux system (won't ever go back to Windows).

Microsoft throws its patent library behind Linux, not quite open-sourcing its patents As a software developer coming of age in the 1980s, Microsoft was the enemy. During the 1990s I worked for three companies that died or nearly died because Microsoft yawned and stretched its arms a little bit. Microsoft was brutal about dominating the PC market with its operating systems, and software developers chafed under their restrictions. But, something shifted, and over the last few years Microsoft got the open source religion. The various actions Microsoft has taken should make us all rethink labeling Microsoft as the enemy. Today Microsoft has pivoted its strategy around patents. Where Microsoft was formerly threatening the open source world with its patent pool, Microsoft has now joined the Open Invention Network, a multi-company patent pool that is protecting Linux.
Mounting S3 (compatible) buckets as a filesystem on Linux or macOS using S3FS or Rclone Amazon's AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service) offers bulk data storage on "the cloud". With the correct software, we can access S3 services from AWS (or compatible providers), on Linux or macOS, using command-line tools, or mounting it as a filesystem.
Reading Kindle books on Linux, supporting a switch to Linux

Electronic books are a big thing, making it possible to own a vast library without the bookshelves. The Kindle marketplace is the largest e-book marketplace, and unfortunately Amazon does not support the industry-standard eBook format, EPUB3, and instead stays with its proprietary MOBI-based eBook format. Reading Kindle books, then, requires using a Kindle device or a Kindle application. And, of course, Amazon doesn't make a Kindle application for Linux. Since we are pondering a switch from macOS to Linux, how do we solve this problem?

Using SSH or Rclone to mount remote directories on Ubuntu or macOS SSH is a multifaceted tool that can be used for more than terminal sessions to a remote server. With SSHFS, we can mount a remote filesystem.
Using WEBDAV to mount a NextCloud account on Ubuntu or macOS NextCloud, as an open source alternative to Google Drive, offers file storage on personally-owned cloud infrastructure. While we primarily access our files with the NextCoud web user interface, it supports the WEBDAV. That means we can easily mount a NextCloud account on our desktop computer as a filesystem.
Why use Flatpak on Linux (Ubuntu), and how to get started For time immemorial, on Linux we've used "packages" for distributing software. This boils down to, we're installing DEB or RPM packages, and that's how it's been for a couple decades at least. But that model is flawed, and Flatpak aims to fix a number of problems while improving system security.