Pages with tag Serverless Framework

Getting started with using Node.js and the Serverless framework on AWS Lambda While Amazon's AWS platform is excellent, there are other similar platforms from Google, IBM, Microsoft and others. Why should our code be written solely to support the AWS infrastructure? The Serverless framework makes it easy to reuse the same application code on any of these functions-as-a-service platforms. Perhaps more importantly, it simplifies coding against these platforms. The AWS platform is incredibly complex, and using the Serverless framework is simplifies developing applications for the AWS platform.
Introduction to Node.js with the Serverless framework on AWS Lambda AWS Lambda has excellent support for Node.js code. As of this writing Lambda supports Node.js 8.10, meaning we have excellent async function support and other modern ES2015+ language features.
Introduction to Node.js with the Serverless framework on AWS Lambda AWS Lambda lets programmers focus on their code, with AWS taking care of all the deployment drama issues.