Pages with tag Docker Wordpress
Wordpress local development environment with Docker and Docker Compose on your laptop
We normally install Wordpress on a public Internet server, and installation on your local machine is normally limited to developing or testing a Wordpress feature or theme. The development loop is a lot shorter when you can directly edit Wordpress files on your machine, as opposed to working out a method to edit remote files. While it's convenient, it's not always clear how to create a website hosting environment on your laptop. In the past we would use MAMP (or the Windows equivalent), which is a macOS-native environment for running Apache/MySQL/PHP stacks. But today we have a different tool, Docker, that is easily able to run that stack, as well as any other stack. Docker easily runs on a laptop, so let's take a look at using it to run a local Wordpress development environment.
Wordpress production deployment with Docker Compose
Hosting a Wordpress site in Docker is relatively easy, and is largely a matter of properly configuring three standard containers. It requires a MySQL database, NGINX, and the Wordpress PHP-FPM container, with simple configuration. Starting from a freshly provisioned virtual server, the process takes less than two hours to set up hosting with HTTPS support.