Docker Desktop

Replacing Docker Desktop with Multipass, to avoid Docker Desktop fees

(Sat Oct 30 2021 00:00:00 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time)) Docker is open source software, and Docker Desktop is a spiffy GUI application to simplify installing Docker on a macOS or Windows machine. It's worth using, because of how easy it makes to use Docker. However, Docker Inc has changed to a freemium model for the Docker Desktop application, which will lead some to avoid using Docker Desktop and instead seek an alternative to avoid paying the fee. What we'll discuss is using Multipass, or other virtual machine, to avoid those fees.

Docker Inc squeezing money from Docker Desktop and other Docker tools

(Sat Oct 30 2021 00:00:00 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time)) From its launch, Docker Desktop was a free product letting us easily install Docker on macOS and Windows machines. Docker doesn't run natively on either, and previously required serious hackery to get Docker running. But, the company behind Docker recently announced changes including describing Docker Desktop as being available for individual developers, education, open source, and small businesses. That's led to some outcry, and calls to abandon using Docker.