Doctor Who: The William Hartnell Era

; Date: Sun Jun 24 2018

Tags: Doctor Who »»»» William Hartnell »»»» Doctor Who Review

William Hartnell was the original Doctor, meaning he was the first actor to hold the role of The Doctor in the Doctor Who TV show. The show aired on November 23, 1963, meaning it was the day after Pres. Kennedy was assisinated. This documentary starts with the narrators mother, who watched the first episode (An Unearthly Child) on its first airing. It quickly goes into discuss Sydney Newman, Verity Lambert, and the founding of Doctor Who.

Dr Who Review, Part 2 - The William Hartnell Era

About the Author(s)

( David Herron : David Herron is a writer and software engineer focusing on the wise use of technology. He is especially interested in clean energy technologies like solar power, wind power, and electric cars. David worked for nearly 30 years in Silicon Valley on software ranging from electronic mail systems, to video streaming, to the Java programming language, and has published several books on Node.js programming and electric vehicles.