Pages with tag Personal Privacy
How to import or export contacts data on Android and iPhone (iOS) devices
While we can synchronize contacts data through a cloud service, we have more control over our data by learning how to import and export the contacts data.
How to prevent smartphone apps from accessing the Contacts list
The contacts list on your smartphone is routinely accessed by many applications. Here are some simple steps to limit such access.
How to self-host our Contacts list on NextCloud
Smart phones conveniently hold what used to be a paper phone and address book. The Contacts app stores names, addresses, phone numbers, and other data about our people or business contacts. NextCloud is a comprehensive open-source solution for sharing our data, including our contacts list, between multiple devices.
Why avoid sharing smart phone Contacts using iCloud/Google/etc
Smart phones conveniently hold, in the Contacts app, the personal information that used to be a paper phone and address book. The names, addresses, and phone numbers of your friends and associates is important private data that should not be shared freely. Why should services like iCloud or Google get ahold of that data?