Pages with tag MySQL

A brief look at Sequelize, an ORM for Node.js with MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLITE3 Want to do some database code but not think too much about it?  Such as, avoid SQL?  You can have your SQL and a simplified model of your database thanks to a module I just found for Node.js called Sequelize.  It adds an ORM-like layer on top of MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLITE3, allowing you to do database interactions using JavaScript code rather than SQL.  It's fairly nice and easy to use, however I think it's likely there are some limitations to the complexity of what you can do with Sequelize.
Converting a MySQL enum for use in SQLite3 I've got a database & website I want to move from using MySQL to using SQLite3.  Well, I think I want to use SQLite3.  Their document saying what sorts of uses make sense for SQLite3 are directly in line with my website, and I do want to remove some of the load off of my MySQL server so that it can have  cycles free for more important purposes.

However I've run into a couple troubles converting the schema so that it fits within SQLite3's limited SQL support.  Turns out that it doesn't support some column types and indexes.  And that the SQL produced by mysqldump contains some MySQLisms which SQLite3 just doesn't understand.
Easily export or import data between CSV files and SQLite3 or MySQL databases with Node.js

It's convenient to import a CSV file into a spreadsheet to crunch numbers. CSV's (comma-separated-values) and it's brethren (TSV, for tab-separated, etc) are widely used to deliver information. You'll see CSV downloads available all over the place, whether it's your stock broker, a bank, or a government agency, and on and on. Spreadsheet programs like LibreOffice Calc offer direct import of these files, and then as a spreadsheet you've got a zillion tools available to crunch numbers, make graphs, etc. Sometimes, though, you need to load the CSV into a database to do other sorts of work. That's what we'll look at, the twin tasks of autoloading a CSV file into a MySQL database, and of exporting data from MySQL into a CSV file.

How to restore a MySQL database and tables from .frm .ibd or .myd raw database files Consider a situation - you've got a well tuned MySQL database server running some popular websites. The sites are implemented with Drupal and Wordpress, but using MySQL to store the content and settings. You think everything is fine, until one day you look at Google Analytics and are aghast to see zero traffic for the previous two days. You go to the websites and are greeted by a 404 error, with the server saying there's nothing there. You try logging into the server, but cannot, your login attempt is refused. You contact the hosting provider for help, and they tell you the directory containing all your websites and other files is completely empty. Oh.. and there's a note left behind from someone giving an http-something-or-other URL to click on, demanding payment in order for the server to be restored.
Implementing MySQL style AUTOINCREMENT in SQLite3
Setting up LibreOffice to access MySQL database with JDBC driver I wanted to try using LibreOffice Base on Mac OS X to play with a MySQL database. I thought it would be easy, just connect to the database and start doing queries, maybe even pull data into a LibreOffice spreadsheet for advanced data munging. But doing the obvious thing got me messages like "No Java Installation found" and "the driver class com.mysql.jdbc.Driver could not be found". Further, yahoogling with some obvious search phrases turned up nothing. Finally, going to and looking at the official LibreOffice Base documentation showed no instructions on setting up JDBC MySQL with LibreOffice.
Simple data export and manipulation using Node.js and the node-mysql module What follows is a fairly simple data processing script to extract data from a Drupal installation in a MySQL database. The purpose was to export nodes from a Drupal site, reformatting them for some software I'd written to import content into a blogger blog. In other words, this is the sort of simple data extraction and manipulation tool we write all the time.
Using SSL to connect to MySQL database in Node.js Encrypting database connections can be extremely important for security. The documentation for the Node.js MySQL driver briefly mentions SSL support, and does not give adequate documentation. What follows is an example showing how to connect using PEM certificates to a MySQL server that was configured with a self-signed root CA.
Using multiple databases and PHPMyAdmin in a single MySQL Docker instance Sometimes our applications need multiple database, but with a single database server instance. The typical recommendation is for each Docker container to serve a single application. For databases, that means one database server for each application. That's the result of following a theoretical best practice, but isn't there another best practice to avoid excess processes and overhead? MySQL, like most other database servers, can support multiple databases, multiple user identities, and has an extensive system for controlling access on IP address, user names, and passwords. The MySQL container for Docker is easy to use, but supports only a single database instance per server container. In this article let's learn how to go ahead and configure the MySQL container for Docker to support multiple databases each with their own user ID.
Where does MySQL/MariaDB store database data files on Linux or Unix?

You launch the database server, give it a bunch of data to store, do you need to know where the data files are located? If MySQL or MariaDB does its job properly, the server just runs and runs with no need for further maintenance. But of course, software being software you need to do a bit more. For example, if the system crashes you might need to do a low-level recovery of the databases as I had to do - How to restore a MySQL database and tables from .frm .ibd or .myd raw database files

For various reasons you do need to know where MySQL/MariaDB stores its data files. It's not that hard to locate, and with a little change to the configuration file you can even change that location.