Pages with tag Express

Build A Restful Api With Node.js Express & MongoDB We are going to cover how to create a restful api using node.js express and mongodb together with mongoose. REST apis help us decouple our backend code from our front end so we can use it across multiple application (mobile apps, web apps, etc). We are going to learn how to build a simple blog post type api with all the useful methods(GET,POST,DELETE,PATCH).
Implementing WebHooks and RESTHooks using TypeSript for Node.js and ExpressJS The WebHooks architecture lets one webservice send event notifications to another. RESTHooks build on them by advertising available events, allowing software to manage event subscriptions without human intervention.
Learn the MERN stack with this video tutorial series MERN (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, Node.js) is a popular alternative to the MEAN stack, and that has a nicer-sounding name. Therefore many of us want to learn the MERN stack, and this video tutorial series is an excellent way to start.
Where should you put routes in an Express/Node.js web application for simple easy coding enjoyment?

The Express.js app framework for Node.js is a pretty cool system that makes it easy to implement web apps and even REST API's. But the Express team doesn't give you any guidance on structuring the application code. They give you an API and it's up to you to decide how or even if you structure the model-view-controller paradigm or any other paradigm you wish to use.