Pages with tag Artificial Intelligence

Google Duplex, the AI Assistant we should avoid using Google demo'd a cool "Digital Assistant" that will solve first-world problems like booking restaurant reservations. You will tell the Google service "book an appointment" and it will attempt to do so with an API, or else by placing a phone call and pretending to be a human. That leaves us without the supposed hassle of making the appointment. Sounds cool, eh? And it is an awesome achievement in artificial intelligence, to make something that can mimic humans well enough to handle human tasks. At the same time its best to be very very wary because of the potential for misuse. Google and others are waiving their hands and saying don't worry. I say - we should all worry about this - while Google may be deploying it with safeguards, others will develop a similar thing and not all will enable safeguards.
Project Maven to Deploy Computer Algorithms to War Zone by Year’s End The US Department of Defense is partnering with unnamed high tech companies to develop Artificial Intelligence devices for use in war zones. The idea is extracting "objects" from "massive amounts of moving or still imagry." Reading between the lines, this is about analyzing video footage from drone flights in war zones, to ease the burden on military intelligence analysts.
Robots keeping track of inventory in retail stores are coming to take retail worker jobs The biggest threat to American Jobs is not Mexicans but Robots. Case in point is a job description I found in a company saying they "specialize in providing any retail store with live robots that keep track of their inventory". The job in particular is for a software engineer to implement artificial intelligence driven image processing. The stated goal is to build a robot to scan shelves in retail stores, to check the inventory. Thing is, the inventory management job is one of many that humans have held for hundreds or thousands of years. Now "they" want to replace humans in this job with Robots.
The creepiness of AI-driven content recommendation on YouTube and other websites How many movies are about an AI driven robot or computer that takes over the world? What used to be the stuff of science fiction is beginning to happen. One example is the YouTube video recommendation algorithm, that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to recommend videos for you to watch. This seems benign enough, and YouTube does a fairly good of recommending videos, but have you stopped to think how much YouTube knows about you and your preferences?