Tags: Docker
Docker images contain instructions for building a filesystem one layer at a time. Sometimes we need to explore the layers to ensure the image is built correctly. Since it's non-obvious how to do that, let's explore several tools.

We normally create a Docker image by writing a Dockerfile, then building the image from that file. The file contains instructions on copying files around, compiling software, and so forth. We may have read that each command creates a new layer in the image, without really knowing what that means.
The other day I was trying to figure out why the image I'd built didn't have the contents I expected. I realized the only way I knew how to examine the container was to start it running, but in this case the container exited as soon as it started giving me no opportunity to get into the container to see what it contained.
I expected the docker image inspect
command to let me see the contents of each layer. Nope.
But, I knew from having written another blog post (Deploying Docker images to a server without using a Docker Registry) about how to export a Docker image to a tar
file. That turned into a method for exploring Docker image layers, and I was able to solve my problems.
On exploring that command, I came across a few other commands for exploring Docker container content as well.
Exporting a Docker image to explore its contents
What do you think these commands would do:
$ docker build -t group-name/image-name .
$ docker image save -o image-name.tar group-name/image-name
The first is familiar to anyone who creates Docker images. It builds an image from a Dockerfile in the current directory. The image is saved into some virtual space with the name group-name/image-name
. Most of us run that command without thinking too much about the details.
The second command saves (exports) an image as a tar file. THe purpose for that command in my other article was to be able to deploy the image to a server without saving it to a Docker registry. In this case it gives us a way to explore the image layers.
Let's try this on a real image, the nginx
image from hub.docker.com
$ docker image save -o nginx.tar nginx
$ ls -l nginx.tar
-rw------- 1 david david 168737280 Jul 16 22:26 nginx.tar
$ (mkdir t && cd t && tar xvf ../nginx.tar )
That gave us a bunch of anonymous files named with SHA codes, and it looks like manifest.json
records more information about each file. We can reason that the files in blobs/sha256
are the layers of the container. Also, since the file names are SHA256 hashes the alphabetical order won't be related to the layer order. Instead it's likely manifest.json
contains the ordering.
In my case I found this command to be most useful:
$ file blobs/sha256/*
blobs/sha256/0139d4090a4ccd1b50d591de26436f70f0fdca1891d6771cb09e9690d920f5c2: JSON data
blobs/sha256/09be960dcde4138561c482b1688f3486db8fd50c8ef3e660e6ec8343644b0ba2: POSIX tar archive
blobs/sha256/1178c02f07cd3eef09fdf4e7a540e5cc2fc0ad6e603bc7ba6e6629e7953e8dd9: JSON data
blobs/sha256/18be1897f9402f27c8c0eba7c86e0c00f5656db62961b5949d55f9565c42c6e7: POSIX tar archive
blobs/sha256/1de3ade92dae9fe29f100e488e9c67f38cfe0a8b7d85663f43465fdcf8e79180: JSON data
blobs/sha256/231bb7482ad95f986611220eef7fc87cfa6e94a8cdcf4e51d7b636758f316865: JSON data
blobs/sha256/243270682edd0b83547380e1b3b650e4a966ead5b9fd307da5474f6ed64b33b5: JSON data
blobs/sha256/258d235edd1020a35ecf5ea21db89c885787700eb97681f3ae80373b38d75f89: JSON data
blobs/sha256/27ea236fd951182cea444fdb7bb16e5f9cccbb8a6068a1439345cfe155cae470: JSON data
blobs/sha256/2ddb6ca9e8a09833c6c7bb65d137718b1827c51fb4ed0c949b2b3777d63d9069: JSON data
blobs/sha256/3e207b409db364b595ba862cdc12be96dcdad8e36c59a03b7b3b61c946a5741a: POSIX tar archive
blobs/sha256/44d72874678dccc8f953fb5a0229a587ad7e40f52d709db86c2a405e9a0dd8ae: JSON data
blobs/sha256/5385450e076ac9279408416130f701405aaf007cb071b00b5172f5afe6035737: JSON data
blobs/sha256/570fc47f255858a1ea028ee56a4472c23a37f8103d10066028a534147661d943: POSIX tar archive
blobs/sha256/5d17421f15719347504420acd3af66f55803fc2f82de17d8be90c432db47c297: POSIX tar archive
blobs/sha256/7bb2a9d373374aee9939eff4c7a7883e74c22fd4ad9499497a1a03fa987befd4: POSIX tar archive
blobs/sha256/7d0cdcc60a96a5124763fddf5d534d058ad7d0d8d4c3b8be2aefedf4267d0270: JSON data
blobs/sha256/8c796ea234695ea4f62c566e8d695702f79a21130146b5afbaac8be0363f43a5: JSON data
blobs/sha256/96e0ca1d8e5e08181324774483d8044e2972250bb432f164717e2f1b4cbfad1d: JSON data
blobs/sha256/a059c9abe376b8511be8cafbfe23b18631c161af8cabd4910183860ed7595dda: POSIX tar archive
blobs/sha256/a181cbf898a0262fa8f9dfcf769014445ca54f25c0440de8c40692392b57de03: POSIX tar archive
blobs/sha256/d253f69cb991b5e14ba7c21bb8ae6c130de83c39fb46dc48f3ee840152c965a3: POSIX tar archive
blobs/sha256/de2543b9436b7b0e2f15919c0ad4eab06e421cecc730c9c20660c430d4e5bc47: JSON data
blobs/sha256/dfe7577521f0d1ad9f82862f3550e12a615fcb07319265a3d23e96f2f21f62ec: POSIX tar archive
blobs/sha256/f4289fe31d858c4d6f7fdf0c8a85cd845ace2202abcafdcd2eabd986ea98e0e6: JSON data
blobs/sha256/fd95118eade99a75b949f634a0994e0f0732ff18c2573fabdfc8d4f95b092f0e: POSIX tar archive
This tells us some files are JSON and others are tar
Focusing on the tar
files we learn they have snippets of file systems:
$ tar tvf blobs/sha256/dfe7577521f0d1ad9f82862f3550e12a615fcb07319265a3d23e96f2f21f62ec
-rwxrwxr-x 0/0 1202 2022-05-18 01:35 docker-entrypoint.sh
$ tar tvf blobs/sha256/a181cbf898a0262fa8f9dfcf769014445ca54f25c0440de8c40692392b57de03
drwxr-xr-x 0/0 0 2020-06-02 19:23 docker-entrypoint.d/
-rwxrwxr-x 0/0 1043 2020-06-02 19:23 docker-entrypoint.d/20-envsubst-on-templates.sh
$ tar tvf blobs/sha256/570fc47f255858a1ea028ee56a4472c23a37f8103d10066028a534147661d943
drwxr-xr-x 0/0 0 2020-06-02 19:23 docker-entrypoint.d/
-rwxrwxr-x 0/0 1963 2020-06-02 19:23 docker-entrypoint.d/10-listen-on-ipv6-by-default.sh
Many of the tar
files contain a full filesystem dump, but these are small enough to view here.
There's a lot more to learn from this. In my case looking at the tar
files gave me information about the files in the image layers to debug the build.
Creating a container without running the container
We've all run docker run --rm --it nginx bash
(or the like) to execute/run a container. This particular command gives us a bash
shell inside the container, and then the container is deleted after we exit out.
This is the common way to inspect the insides of a container, by using regular shell commands in a command shell inside the running container. An alternate to this for a container that's already running is: docker exec -it nginx bash
But, what if we're uncertain if the image has malware? Or if the container crashes before we can get the running shell, as I described earlier. In cases like that we cannot run the container.
Instead, we can do this:
$ docker create --name inspect-nginx nginx
This creates, but does not run, the container from the image. But since it's not a running container we cannot start a shell.
But, we can run this:
$ docker export inspect-nginx >inspect-nginx.tar
This exports the filesystem from the container into a tar
file. We can then untar the file and explore its contents.
This does not give us a layer-by-layer view of the container, instead it gives us the resulting filesystem.
When you're done remember to run this:
$ docker container rm inspect-nginx
Otherwise the container will sit around unused taking up space on your computer.
Inspecting the commands from which the image was built
Another view into the image contents is to review how it was built.
$ docker image history nginx
de2543b9436b 2 years ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["nginx" "-g" "daemon… 0B
<missing> 2 years ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) STOPSIGNAL SIGQUIT 0B
<missing> 2 years ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) EXPOSE 80 0B
<missing> 2 years ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENTRYPOINT ["/docker-entr… 0B
<missing> 2 years ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:09a214a3e07c919a… 4.61kB
<missing> 2 years ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:0fd5fca330dcd6a7… 1.04kB
<missing> 2 years ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:0b866ff3fc1ef5b0… 1.96kB
<missing> 2 years ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:65504f71f5855ca0… 1.2kB
<missing> 2 years ago /bin/sh -c set -x && addgroup --system -… 61.1MB
<missing> 2 years ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV PKG_RELEASE=1~bullseye 0B
<missing> 2 years ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV NJS_VERSION=0.7.3 0B
<missing> 2 years ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV NGINX_VERSION=1.21.6 0B
<missing> 2 years ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) LABEL maintainer=NGINX Do… 0B
<missing> 2 years ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["bash"] 0B
<missing> 2 years ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:4a0bb88956083aa56… 80.4MB
This is again the standard nginx
container. We should be able to compare this with the Dockerfile.
Diving into image internals
An open source tool,
gives you a terminal GUI for exploring Docker images layer-by-layer.
The GitHub repository has installation instructions, and usage instructions. Unfortunately I wasn't able to determine how to move from one layer to the next.
We have learned about inspecting the contents of a Docker image. As software engineers we should be thinking how hard is it to read the JSON files in this image, and write a tool for examining the content. I sure am thinking along those lines, but lack the interest in following through on that idea.
For example, shouldn't a tool like Portainer allow us to inspect the internals of an image? While it shows us a list of images available on the local system, and it allows us to export
an image, which we can inspect as shown earlier, its GUI does not offer a way to explore the contents.
For 90% or more of us, the commands shown above are enough. With them we can inspect the filesystem without instantiating the container. We can then inspect the files, look for malware, make sure the files were built correctly, etc.