; Date: Wed Jul 10 2019
Tags: Doctor Who »»»» Daleks
A part of The Chase was the first time Doctor Who was shot at a real location, the beach at Camber. There were special considerations for operating Daleks on a beach, which involved what was called a "Hover Dalek" that was light enough for the Dalek Operator to walk it around rather than roll it on wheels. That same Dalek was used in a later scene on the Marcy Celeste - it's the one which fell in the water - and in an even later scene at the house of horrors, when Frankenstein's Monster picked up a Dalek to smash it. This Dalek is known to have appeared in many other shows all the way to Remembrance of the Daleks. That Dalek's original purpose was to emerge from the sand, but they were unable to do so with a full size Dalek, and ended up building a smaller Dalek where they could film it emerging from some sand. The model was later used in The Daleks Master Plan.