The Doctors companions

Solving the fate of Peri? In a DVD trailer?

(Fri Jan 21 2022 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)) An enduring question from Old Who is, what the heck happened to Peri? We met her at the end of the 5th Doctors time, then she was a constant companion to the 6th Doctor, but had an ignoble end having been abandoned to a mad scientist. Now, there's an answer, of sorts, that is also a sales pitch for a new DVD set which refreshes the content of Season 22 and adds a number of interesting documentaries.

In which episode did The Doctor meet Clara Oswald

(Mon Jan 08 2018 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time))

Clara Oswin Oswald, a.k.a. The Impossible Girl, has a convoluted history in Doctor Who. The character was first seen in Asylum of the Daleks but over her story arc she became entwined in the whole of the Doctor's life. How can we say for certainty when the Doctor first met Clara?