Blog Index for March 2014

How to fix Google Chrome crazily creating extra new tabs when opening a new browser tab

(Mon Mar 17 2014 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)) Recently Chrome (on my Chromebook) began crazily creating a zillion new tabs every time I asked it to open a new tab. It was very painful, because every time opening a tab there was an explosion of new tabs being opened, and it meant trying to click the close-tab button to stop the explosion. At first I thought, "oh, Chrome got updated with a bug, they will sort it out, and issue an update." After waiting for a few days and it did not fix itself, I saw a note in passing that Google had changed something with the "New Tab page" .. and indeed, the excess new tabs being created had the URL "chrome-internal://newtab".

Review: The Past, Present and Future of JavaScript (Axel Rauschmayer)

(Sat Mar 15 2014 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)) You may have heard that the ECMAScript committee (that oversee's the standards for JavaScript) are working on the next version of the language. will probably become EMCAScript 6, and will mean some changes for JavaScript programmers. It may be useful for all JavaScript programmers to start understanding what those changes will be. That's where "The Past, Present and Future of JavaScript" fits into the world, helping us know what the ECMAScript committee is looking to do to the JavaScript language.