Tags: OpenJDK
There appears to be over-reacting and fearism concerning a recent decision to cancel the DLJ project, and subsequently Ubuntu's plan to remove DLJ-based Java packages from their repository. I'm totally out of the loop of this except for a couple things. As the former DLJ Project Lead I was still vaguely involved with the management of that project. Recently there was an email exchange between myself, Dalibor Topic and Tom Marble where we decided it would be best to just shut down the DLJ because the OpenJDK had proceeded far enough that the DLJ was simply unnecessary.
Some blog postings on osnews.com
and www.omgubuntu.co.uk
came to my attention where there are many comments along the lines of "OMG THE SKY IS FALLING AND ORACLE IS EVIL". Well, sigh.
There's nothing to worry about here. It's really very simple.
The DLJ Project was launched at JavaOne 2006 when it looked unlikely that Sun's Java implementation would ever be open sourced, we devised the DLJ Project to provide JDK bundles under a liberal license. It was meant to help the community easily have a good quality Java implementation on Linux, but then the new CEO declared the creation of the OpenJDK project from the stage of that very same JavaOne.
Over the course of time the OpenJDK project became really good and it was no longer necessary to maintain the DLJ project.
There's nothing EVIL here .. it's simply that the DLJ project became irrelevant.
Dalibor Topic had a nice post about this a few months ago -