Tags: OpenJDK
We are pleased to announce the winners of the Mustang Regressions Challenge. From January 30 through March 31, 2006, we sponsored a challenge asking the public to test Java 6 (a.k.a. Mustang) and tell us about any regression bugs that were found. The specifics can be found further down this page. There are five winners in this contest, each of which are receiving an Ultra 20 workstation.
During the course of the contest we received over 130 submissions, of which 72 passed the screening process and were entered as regression bugs. We wish to thank everybody who participated. The contest gave us some very valuable information and feedback to use in improving Java quality.
After careful consideration a team of our senior staff selected the following entries as the winners in this contest. The criteria we used included the clarity of the bug report and the impact of the bug.
For more information go to
the contest home page.