Looking back at Torchwood seasons 1-3 - Torchwood coming to the Colonies
Last friday, Torchwood came to American television with a crash-bang-bazooka-filled show that's probably typical for modern American television (not owning a television, I don't see much TV, and have no clue what's common on American TV). Before getting into reviewing the new Torchwood, it's necessary to look back to where it came from, especially since it seems the new version will pretty much ignore Torchwood's origins as a spin-off from Doctor Who. There's two ways to appreciate Torchwood, as a spin-off from and participant in the Doctor Who universe, and as a standalone story. As a Doctor Who fan, my interest in Torchwood is its' role in the Doctor Who universe, but I do understand that some may watch the show on its own merit and not care about the blue box that spawned Torchwoods very existence.
Review: Torchwood, Miracle Day (Torchwood comes to the colonies)
Torchwood is coming to the Colonies, that is, to America. I'm not sure if I like the idea, but it's what the people in charge of things decided to do and here we are, seeing the remaining Torchwood team-members brought to the land of loud car chases.