Pages with tag Drupal

Could Storify be implemented in Drupal?
Headless Wordpress/Drupal is galloping into view with Sleepy Hollow references tagging along for the ride Headless Wordpress is becoming a thing, now that Wordpress 4.4 has been released and has some core support for a REST API. The Drupal world has seen Headless Drupal work for a couple years now, and the Wordpress community has seen the light as well. The advantages of decoupling the website rendering from content management are many, the biggest perhaps being the rapidly changing best practices landscape for delivering content to the display device. The capabilities at the client end are rapidly morphing, much more quickly than the release cycles of the content management systems.
Hosting Drupal 7 with PHP 8.2 and MySQL 8.2 using Docker Drupal 7 is an old release, which due to go end-of-life in January 2025, and which many of us are still using in production. I had set up Docker containers running PHP 7.1 and MySQL 5.7, back when those versions were what's required to host Drupal 7 sites. Since those PHP and MySQL versions are old, the Drupal team has since updated Drupal 7 to run on PHP 8.2 and MySQL 8. Before Drupal 7 goes end-of-life, I want to build a modern stack for hosting the old Drupal release required by my site.
How to restore a MySQL database and tables from .frm .ibd or .myd raw database files Consider a situation - you've got a well tuned MySQL database server running some popular websites. The sites are implemented with Drupal and Wordpress, but using MySQL to store the content and settings. You think everything is fine, until one day you look at Google Analytics and are aghast to see zero traffic for the previous two days. You go to the websites and are greeted by a 404 error, with the server saying there's nothing there. You try logging into the server, but cannot, your login attempt is refused. You contact the hosting provider for help, and they tell you the directory containing all your websites and other files is completely empty. Oh.. and there's a note left behind from someone giving an http-something-or-other URL to click on, demanding payment in order for the server to be restored.
If Wordpress is switching from PHP to Node.js, how should they do it? Supposedly the Wordpress team is migrating Wordpress from PHP to Node.js.
Potential for integrating Node.js with Drupal and speed up Drupal page processing Besides some experience with Node.js, enough to write the book linked in the side bar, I've also spent a lot of time building and configuring Drupal websites.  I've been pondering the possibilities for marrying Node with Drupal and have also seen a few projects spring up with that purpose.  However the core issue is that Drupal page processing is not an asynchronous process like Node's query handling, instead Drupal implements the typical synchronous start at the beginning and go to the end step by step model.  You know, the model we're trying to get away from by adopting Node.
Secure your infrastructure with Docker and Puppet Overview of using lightweight containerization to build secure and repeatable Drupal deployments.
The difference between Node.js require, and Wordpress plugins or Drupal modules

Someone experienced with using Wordpress, or Drupal, to build websites are accustomed to "plugins" or "modules". Both are software modules which extend the functionality of Wordpress or Drupal websites, giving more features to the system than what's available out of the box. For example it's typical for a Drupal site to install Views to support building fancy data displays, and on ( my Wordpress blog I've added the PODS Framework to simplify defining custom post types along with custom fields.