Pages with tag Blockchain

Russia, Venezuela, eying Blockchain technology to evade economic sanctions

Certain countries, like Russia and Venezuela, are under economic sanctions over actions the so-called World Community deem to be crimes, such as Russia's take-over of Crimea. Such countries would of course be looking for ways to escape the sanctions so they can act freely. According to an NY Times report, both Russia and Venezuela are looking at creating government-backed cryptocurrencies that can be used for international financial transactions outside the normal financial system. They're clearly not planning to adopt an existing cryptocurrency, but to set up government-controlled currencies that just happen to operate over the Internet and use cryptographic controls.

Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc) proponents have been pursuing a libertarian-paradise dream of a completely open currency outside government control that is safer than so-called fiat currencies. Regular currencies have designed-in periodic economic crashes, built into the core design of the currencies, and cryptocurrencies are free from such problems. But ... will Governments allow such activities to become significant and take over the actual economy? Most likely not, and the most likely result is for Big Corporate and Big Government institutions to adopt blockchain/cryptocurrency technologies while outlawing the existing currencies.

UN/EU eyes Blockchain technology to stop Moldovanian child sex trafficking

The UN and EU are proposing a solution to child sex trafficking based on Moldova, one of Europe's poorest countries. According to a Reuters report, many children born in Moldova do not have official identity documents, making them attractive for sex trafficking because they're outside the normal system where governments track the existence of its citizens. The proposal is to implement a system using Blockchain to give these children "paperless documents" containing immutable biometric identification information.

While Bitcoin itself may become irrelevant - i.e. it might be banned for legal use, and therefore its use would be limited to the shadowy underworld - the Blockchain technology it's built on is of wide-spread interest. The key features are using strong encryption to implement a ledger of data that is strongly protected by that encryption. It seems possible to use this for human identification -- if a set of data can be identified that automagically computes a security key that indexes into the blockchain, ...etc...