Pages with tag AkashaCMS

Crunching/minifying HTML, CSS and JavaScript in Node.js with the minify module

I've just added HTML/CSS/JavaScript minification to AkashaCMS (link is external), to minimize the size of static website files rendered by AkashaCMS. This will reduce page load times by decreasing the number of bytes required to be downloaded. We humans like blank space because spreading out information makes it easier to understand. With programming languages that becomes all the white space and indenting conventions. But the white space makes no difference to the computers that interpret the web pages, in fact it makes the web browsing experience slower because it takes longer to download or execute the web pages, or the CSS or JavaScript referenced by the web pages.

Implementing rsync or sftp in Node.js to synchronize files? How do you accomplish synchronizing a directory tree of files to a server?  For example ( AkashaCMS, my newly developed tool for building static websites, it builds a directory structure containing all the files for the website.  The question I've been pondering for awhile is, what's the best way to get those files over to the web server?  I've been using scp -r, and have also played with using rsync, and just integrated rsync into the AkashaCMS scripts.  But, I'm not seeing a great solution-set available, especially because this needs to run on my girlfriend's computer, and she is a Windows user and therefore does not have rsync available, I need a solution.
Uploading/mirroring files to remote server in Node.js without using rsync How do you upload files to a server to deploy application or website code?  FTP?  rsync?  While it's easy enough to call a command line tool like rsync from a Node.js script, what if you're using a Windows computer that doesn't have those command line tools.  When I use Windows it's like stepping back into the dark ages where directory listings looked like we were making fire by rubbing sticks together.  Okay, there does appear to be an rsync for Windows but I had no confidence in it.  Also, I did not want to have a dependency on something like Cygwin.