
Correct character encoding with DOMDocument implementing a Wordpress content filter

(Thu Jul 06 2017 00:00:00 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time)) Using DOMDocument in a Wordpress content filter lets you correctly manipulate the content as HTML. It might be that Wordpress filters are commonly using regular expressions or text search/replace functions. While that can be fast and powerful, correctly changing HTML elements requires an HTML-oriented API. The specifics of HTML elements are such that regular expressions and text search/replace functions just don't cut it due to the many pitfalls from highly specific details of HTML. With DOMDocument you simply load the HTML into the library, then you use DOM functions to manipulate the HTML, then you serialize the DOM to HTML text, and voila powerful HTML manipulations easily performed. Unfortunately that method comes with its own pitfalls you must be careful of.

Create hierarchical navigation for custom post types in Wordpress with PODS

(Sat Jun 20 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time)) On (longtailpipe.com) my Wordpress site I want to create "documentation" areas with a cluster of pages organized as a hierarchy, with an index to those pages showing as a sidebar. Many think of doing this for "Product Documentation", but I simply want to organize notes and additional material related to some books that I'm writing. Just as a book is organized by chapters and subsections, I want to hierarchically organize these pages.

How to customize the per-post authoring byline in Wordpress

(Tue Apr 07 2015 00:00:00 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time))