Traveling the modern world

Using USA regular phone numbers while traveling abroad

(Mon Jul 08 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time)) A key to successful travel abroad is maintaining phone numbers in your home country. While many cell phone providers offer roaming services, this can be very expensive. WiFi Calling is the way to go.

How an American can prepare for life as a full-time traveler, inside or outside the USA

(Mon Mar 25 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)) Many Americans love to travel, and some hope to live full time traveling outside the USA. I wanted to try living outside the USA, and after several long-term trips abroad I'm on a super-long trip abroad. Each trip taught me a lot, from which I have some recommendations.

Maintaining accounts with USA banks etc, while traveling abroad, using virtual mailboxes and virtual phones

(Tue Mar 05 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)) Everyone needs a bank account and phone number for modern life. Anyone who doesn't have a physical address, whether forced by poverty or by lifestyle choice, faces the challenge of maintaining a bank account in the face of banking regulations which require a physical address. Three USA states offer a solution giving full time travelers residency without requiring a normal physical address.

Getting a South Dakota full time traveler ID using Traveling Mailbox

(Sat Oct 14 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0300 (Eastern European Summer Time)) South Dakota offers folks who are full time travelers and do not have a fixed residence, to get a drivers license or ID card. One option is using a Traveling Mailbox mail forwarding account as a residence address. While a prominent YouTube channel ran into trouble with using Traveling Mailbox for this purpose, I had success.

Handling 2nd factor PayPal authentication while traveling abroad

(Sat Nov 03 2018 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time))

Using 2nd factor authentication with online accounts, like PayPal, can keep you and your money safe. A criminal might crack your PayPal password, but logging in requires a second thing like your cell phone, the criminal is stopped cold. "Second Factor Authentication" simply means requiring a second query, like sending a text message to your cell phone, to verify the person logging in is actually you. But what if you cannot receive a text message? Reading text messages while traveling in another country is tricky. What if you need to access an online account, like PayPal, but are locked out by being unable to answer the 2nd factor authorization step?